Aaron Morris Aronov
The following biographical sketch was compiled at the time of induction into the Academy in 1988.
Aaron M. Aronov was a native of Montgomery, Alabama, born in that city on December 22, 1919, the son of Jake and Nora Aronov.
Mr. Aronov attended the public schools of Montgomery and graduated from its Sidney Lanier High School in 1937. He received his college education from the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa.
Upon returning to Montgomery from college, he joined the family business. While he was happily associated with family members in this enterprise, such activities did not satisfy his desire for fuller economic development.
In 1952, Aronov Realty Company was organized with Aaron Aronov as president. He was joined by two of his brothers in this business venture that has developed into one of the larger real estate establishments in the South. Aronov Realty Company is involved in the development of multi-family homes, office parks, warehouses and shopping centers throughout the Southeast and Southwest.
Mr. Aronov's businesses have not prevented him from giving of his time and his means to other important phases of his life. He has served as president of the Montgomery Junior Chamber of Commerce. He was selected Montgomery's Boss of the year in 1963 and Alabama's Realtor of the Year in 1978. He was elected president of the International Council of Shopping Centers, the body of which is composed of 20,000 members in the United States and foreign countries.
Aaron Aronov served as a member of the State of Alabama Industrial Revenue Bond Council, and at the time of his induction into the Academy of Honor he was a member of this State's Heritage Trust Fund. He was a member of the Board of Visitors of Huntingdon College and was a member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama.
He served as president of the Agudath Israel Synogogue as well as president of the Jewish Foundation of Montgomery.
Aaron Aronov was married to the former Majorie Schoenbaum of Alexander City and they had two sons and a daughter. Mr. Aronov is now deceased.